Lower Austrian Documentation Centre St. Pölten
St. Pölten is home to contemporary art. As a forum for the visual arts of Lower Austria, the DOK performs a variety of tasks.
The Lower Austrian Documentation Centre for Modern Art (DOK) shows important examples of contemporary culture in a lively exhibition activity, offers educational programmes and maintains and expands the existing artist files.The DOK was established in 1978 in the course of the revitalisation of the Karmeliterhof in St. Pölten.
The aim of this institution is:
- Documentation of Contemporary Art
- Archiving of data
- Publications and photos
- Creation of a biographical collection about Austrian artists
- Organisation of exhibitions
In addition to the focus on culture from Lower Austria, the exhibitions also feature art from all Austrian provinces. Every year, the culture prize winners of Lower Austria are presented in an exhibition in St. Pölten.