Mitterbach - Bodenbauereck - Gemeindealpe

Alpine hike route from Mitterbach Dorfplatz (Village center) to Erlaufsee, Mitterbach Sägewerk oder Ortsmitte

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Tour dates
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Route: 18,16 km
  • Ascent: 870 egm
  • Descent: 870 egm
  • Duration: 8:00 h
  • Lowest point: 789 m
  • Highest point:1.614 m
  • Nice views
  • Suitable for families and children

Details for: Mitterbach - Bodenbauereck - Gemeindealpe

Brief description

The original wild nature of the Gemeindealpe lends itself after the ascent to a magnificent view of the Gesaeuse.


For the effort of the climb the Panormamablick is a wonderful reward up to the distant mountains Gesaeuse. Even with the lift. 

Starting point of the tour

Mitterbach Dorfplatz (Village center)

Destination point of the tour

Erlaufsee, Mitterbach Sägewerk oder Ortsmitte

Route description Mitterbach - Bodenbauereck - Gemeindealpe

From the village square of Mitterbach, follow a small piece of the Seestrasse (lake road) and start either branching off right at the evangelical Cemetery or about 500 metres from the valley station of the chair lift the ascent of the Gemeindealpe. You can also take the chair lift to the middle station or even strait to the Summit. The return variants to Mitterbach: over the "Brach" (05), Brunnsteinalm (cabin) (06A), the Zellerrain to the Erlaufsee (lake) (16B) or from the Brunnstein pasture on (17 / 2. Mitterbacher fable trail) to the Erlaufsee (lake) - Mitterbach. Descent goes to the Schutzhaus (shelter) Vorderötscher and through the Ötschergräben (ditch) to Mitterbach. As a shorter route and another variant, is the walking path to the Erlaufsee (lake), which already leads down into the Valley at an altitude of about 1200 m in the vicinity of the middle chair-lift station.


Coming from Linz: A1 Exit Ybbs/Donau - Direction Eisenstraße - Follow the B25 to Mitterbach

Coming from Vienna: A1 Exit St. Pölten Süd - Direction Mariazell - Follow the B20 to Mitterbach


Village Center parking lot

Mariazeller Bahn (train)

More info/links

Tourismusverein Mitterbach
3224 Mitterbach, Hauptstraße 14
Tel. +43 (0) 3882/42 11

Safety information

Bitte informieren Sie sich vorab über eventuelle Weg- und Straßensperren im Naturpark Ötscher-Tormäuer. Sie finden diese unter

Map recommendations

Mostviertel Tourismus, Töpperschloss Neubruck, Neubruck 2/10, 3283 Scheibbs, T +43/7482/204 44,,

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