Naturparkeingang Eibenboden: Vordere Tormäuer - Nestelbergrunde

Hiking route from Naturpark entrance Eibenboden

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Tour dates
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Route: 10,95 km
  • Ascent: 582 egm
  • Descent: 582 egm
  • Duration: 3:20 h
  • Lowest point: 471 m
  • Highest point:766 m
  • Round tour
  • Nice views
  • Geological highlights
  • Botanical highlights

Details for: Naturparkeingang Eibenboden: Vordere Tormäuer - Nestelbergrunde

Brief description

This varied hike along the softly mumbling Erlauf river takes you past waterfalls and to an enchanted village!


The trail through the nature park Ötscher Tormäuer is characterised by unspoilt nature and water. The Trefflingbach (river) begins in the vicinity of Puchenstuben and flows in the middle of the natural park of "Ötscher Tormäuer" into the Erlauf. Shortly though before, the water crashes 300 m over limestones into the Valley. Until 1911 wood would be rafted on the Erlauf. At the Toreck-Klamm (gorge) was a Holzrechen, a facility that would collect the logs. The small village of Nestelberg is probably the most secluded place in the Ötscher-area. Already around 1400 was there a Meierhof (estate) for the Kartause Gaming (Monastery). In the following centuries, logging families settled there. In conjunction with a small agricultural economy, most of the residents had a modest income. Only in the 1960s, did achievements of modern times such as electricity and telephone become part of the village. Until 1976, there was even an own elementary school in the small mountain village. Today, less than 30 people live in the area.

Starting point of the tour

Naturpark entrance Eibenboden

Destination point of the tour

Naturparkeingang Eibenboden

Route description Naturparkeingang Eibenboden: Vordere Tormäuer - Nestelbergrunde

From the car park at the park entrance Eibenboden, leads the path uphill onto the access road to the farmhouses Unter- and Obereiben. At the first corner move straight into the forest. After a few minutes, you will reach the old Eibenmühle (mill). From there, the route leads further along the Erlauf, past the Hundsbachfall to Treffling fall (waterfall). Immediately afterwards the trail crosses on a path carved into the rocks of the Toreck-Klamm (gorge) until the Valley expands again. After a short time, the new Erlaufsteg (bridge) is reached. Cross the Erlauf and turn to the right after. The steep rise over the "Kirchensteig" leads through the forest to a forest road which one crosses. Further through the forest and over grazing meadows one reaches the small logging village Nestelberg in about 3/4 hours. On the asphalt road one leaves the "Dörfl" (tiny village), turns right after a short period and soon comes to the houses on the slope of the Brennwiese (meadow). After the last house the descent begins  through the woods via the "Kassteig". After about 3/4 hours one gets to the valley near the former Nestelbergmühle (mill) and again to the asphalt road. Here turn right, and after another 15 minutes the starting point at the park entrance is reached.


The naturepark entrance Eibenboden is reached past Kienberg (junction at the Inn "Erlauftalerhof") or through Gaming (junction at the mariensäule). From Lackenhof through Ötscherwiese, Raneck, Nestelbergsäge and the Nestelberggraben. 


naturepark entrance Eibenboden

More info/links

Jausenstation "Nestelberger Rast"


Elisabeth Gross


3295 Lackenhof, Nestelberg 2


Tel. 07485/988 91



Tourismusbüro Gaming


Im Markt 1


3292 Gaming


Tel. +43 (0) 7485/973 08 12


Fax +43 (0) 7485/985 09 


Wanderbekleidung, Festes Schuhwerk, Getränk

Safety information

Bitte informieren Sie sich vorab über eventuelle Weg- und Straßensperren im Naturpark Ötscher-Tormäuer. Sie finden diese unter

Map recommendations

Kompass "Mariazell, Ötscher, Erlauftal" 22

Wanderkarte vom Naturpark Ötscher-Tormäuer
erhältich im Naturparkzentrum Ötscher-Basis

Author's tip

Entlang der Erlauf bieten sich vereinzelt Buchten zur Abkühlung müder Wanderfüße.

Auch ein Abstecher zum Trefflingfall, dem höchsten Wasserfall des Landes, lohnt sich!

More tours around the starting point