Trialhof Enöckl

Apartment, Farm, Vacation rental home, Vacation apartment

This business is excellent…

  • Flower rating system: 3 flowers
  • Holidays on the farm (member of provincial association)

Your stay

Blockhaus 200m vom Bauernhof entfernt, mit traumhafter Aussicht auf das Ötscher- und Dürrensteingebiet.

Sowie eine Ferienwohnung für 2 Personen in offener Bauweise im OG des Bauernhauses mit großem Balkon.

Tipp: Trialtrainings und Leihgeräte am hauseigenen Trialgelände!

This is what other guests say about this host: Trialhof Schaureith - Familie Enöckl

Excellent hotel. Great location.

Good to know

Highlights from the 12 ratings

  • Location

    4.5 / 5
    5 ratings
    • „Great terrain“

Features of accommodations

  • Detailed features of accommodations
    Animals at the farm, Barbecue area, Wifi
  • Service
    Drinks for sale in the establishment, Pets on request, Ab Hof Verkauf, Without board, Parking, Bread service, Breakfast possible
  • Sports/recreation
    Garden, Kid's outdoor playground, Outdoor swimming pool, Sunbathing lawn, Table tennis
  • Capacities
    Beds: 12, Holiday homes: 2, Holiday flats: 1, Maximum groupsize: 12
  • Location
    in the mountains, rural location, calm environment
  • Distance
    to the city center: 4 km, to the next ski lift: 7 km, to the next train station: 29 km, to the next cross-country ski run: 5 km, to the next stop: 2 km, to the motorway: 45 km, to the lake: 5 km

Location and how to get there

Inquire about Trialhof Schaureith - Familie Enöckl

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