Erlebniswelt Mendlingtal „Auf dem HOLZweg“

Theme trail from Goestling-Dorfteich Lassing to Hammerherrenhaus

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Tour dates
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Route: 3,27 km
  • Ascent: 120 egm
  • Descent: 73 egm
  • Duration: 1:45 h
  • Lowest point: 609 m
  • Highest point:684 m
  • With refreshment stops
  • Suitable for families and children
  • Cultural/historical value

Details for: Erlebniswelt Mendlingtal „Auf dem HOLZweg“

Brief description

„Auf dem Holzweg“ lautet das Thema der „Erlebniswelt Mendlingtal“. Im Mittelpunkt steht die letzte funktionierende Holztriftanlage Mitteleuropas.  


Erlebniswelt Mendlingtal „Auf dem HOLZweg“  

„Auf dem Holzweg“ (On the Wood path) in the Mendlingtal (valley) is the theme of the „Erlebniswelt (Adventure world) Mendlingtal“. At the heart of the Adventure world is the last working Holztriftanlage (facility where wood is transported on water) of Central Europe on which once on a distance of about 3 km wood is transported from Hof to Lassing. The Theme tour begins in Lassing. The former Schmiedegesellenhaus (blacksmiths’ apprentice's hostel) stands at the entrance to the Valley. Here at the hostel, the life of the blacksmiths’ apprentice's and their families are represented in the active forging period. The path itself leads along the transportation facility and the Mendlingbaches (river) over a distance of 2.5 km through three bottlenecks (gorges) over Trift paths and bridges past a “Klause”, which was designed as a kind of reservoir in which water and wood is collected in a collecting. Then the visitor encounters a great water source with over a century old working mill and moves on to the Hammerherrenhaus in the courtyard. On the route there are many natural and interesting geographical features. Once at the final destination, one can enter the old Hammerherrenhaus and take a rest. A monthly highlight is the Schautriftvorführungen (wood transport shows).


It is possible to walk back on the same route again or to request the Mendlingtal taxi.

Starting point of the tour

Goestling-Dorfteich Lassing

Destination point of the tour



Take A1 coming from Wien take exit Ybbs/Donau - B 25 to Göstling/Ybbs and continue on to Lassing/ A1 coming from Linz exit Öd to Waidhofen/Ybbs - via Opponitz and St. Georgen/Reith to Göstling – Lassing


On the designated parking places of the "Erlebniswelt Mendlingtal" in Lassing next to the village pond.

More info/links

Verantwortlicher für den Inhalt dieser Tour
Letzte Aktualisierung: 13.03.2025

Tourismus-IG Ybbstaler Alpen

Göstling 46/2

3345 Göstling/Ybbs



Der Weg ist problemlos mit leichten Wanderschuhen begehbar und nicht sehr anspruchsvoll. Er ist allerdings aufgrund der Steganalagen nicht Rollstuhl- und Kinderwagengerecht.

Author's tip

Entdecken Sie die weiteren Attraktionen rund ums Element Wasser in den Ybbstaler Alpen! Solebad, Ybbs, Lunzer See, Kogler Wasserfälle, ...

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