MostBirnHaus Ardagger, ©

"Schwellöd" show power station



Experience hydropower

The movement and beauty of the Ybbs - it can literally electrify you. Hydroelectric power generation in Waidhofen a/d Ybbs looks back on a long past and, thanks to EVN Naturkraft, is now moving towards a sustainable energy future. At the Schwellöd show power station you can visit old and modern; take a journey from the past to the present on the subject of power generation!
Schwellöd was a pioneering hydropower project in Lower Austria in 1923. After its modernisation in 1997, it is still an important electricity producer for the region today. The historic power station building has been preserved and is now a museum. In the old plant, with the Kaplan turbine and generator dating from the 1930s, you can admire his first hand-made turbine with paddle wheels and a faithful model of a grinding mill that was still in operation before the turn of the century. The story of the generation of electricity is told with great attention to detail. Guided tours for children also for schools and families!


  • WC
  • Idegenvezetések

  • rossz idő esetén is jó választás
  • a folyó mentén
  • csendes környezet
  • település peremén
  • vidéki fekvés
  • tömegközlekedéssel elérhető
  • a legközelebbi megállótól: 0.1 km
  • a legközelebbi pályaudvartól: 2 km
  • a repülőtértől: 74 km

Helyszín & utazás

  • Kapcsolat

    Schaukraftwerk Schwellöd

    Schwellödgasse 6
    3340 Waidhofen/ Ybbs

    Telefon: +43 5 93049


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